Bring a Little Homestead into your Life, No Matter Where you Live

Perfect For People Craving a Simpler Life (But Not 100 acres & a Milk Cow)

Feeling the Pull to

Return to Your Roots?

You've felt it... the craving for sourdough bread. The desire for something different... The longing for a slower, more meaningful life.

And you're not alone.

The pandemic caused thousands of people to rethink the rat race. But what if you're not quite ready to go off grid or move 100 miles from civilization?

The good news? You don't need a farm to create a slower, more peaceful old-fashioned life.

Take Farm Living for a Test Drive with the Homestead(ish) Challenge.

That craving you feel for a simpler, slower life?

Don’t ignore it.

It’s pointing you down a thrilling new (yet old) path.

What to expect:



DAY 1 -

You're Not Broken: Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Homesteading

Something is rippling through humanity right now, and you're not alone in your cravings for a simpler, more meaningful life. Even though others might think your interest in backyard chickens and sourdough bread is strange, those desires are pointing the way to something important. We'll break down these ideas in Day One and you'll quickly see they are your secret weapon!


  • Chickens, Canning, & COVID-19: How a Pandemic Primed Us For a Homesteading Revival

  • The Great Mismatch: Why Old-Fashioned Ideas Matter

  • How Harness Your Homestead Dreams for Endless Motivation



DAY 2 -

Cook Away Stress: Your Kitchen As The Ultimate Stress Reliever

Your kitchen might not be a spa, but it can be much more relaxing than you think. Marketers and corporations have told us the kitchen equals drudgery. But they lied. I'll show you how to transform your kitchen from a place of stress to an island of serenity.


  • The Surprising Way Your Brain Rewards You When You Cook

  • Chaos to Calm: Stress Busters for the Modern Kitchen

  • My Top 3 Steps for Sparking a Kitchen Revival



DAY 3 -

Your Homestead Bucket List: From Farm Fantasy to Your New Reality

You're feeling inspired. You can't stop thinking about your next project. Your brain is bouncing with all the possibilities. The problem? You don't know where to start! Overwhelm is the biggest roadblock facing most homesteaders today. We'll busting through it on Day Three to crate a highly actionable game plan that kicks overwhelm to the curb once and for all.


  • Build Your Ultimate Homestead Bucket List

  • My Secret Weapon for Calming my Brain When I Feel Overwhelmed

  • How to Create Project Maps for Your Homestead Goals



DAY 4 -

24-Hour Alchemy: How to Create More Hours in Your Day

You love the idea of cooking and growing food but how on earth does one fit it into a bursting schedule? Ever wish you could add more hours to your day? Well, you can. I'll be sharing my go-to time management tips as a busy mom, homesteader, homeschooler, and entrepreneur.


  • Productivity Power: How I Get it All Done

  • Why We Stopped Watching TV for 3 Months

  • Tech Check: Keep Your Phone from Consuming Your Life



DAY 5 -

The Hard But Good Paradox: Why Meaningful Challenge Makes Our Life Better

Do you ever catch yourself feeling bored? Or perhaps you can't shake the feeling that there has to be more? Our modern world have given us more convenience and comfort than ever before, but it's causing problems. Once you understand our deep human need for challenge, you'll appreciate "chores" in a whole new way.


  • Your Brain is Bored: Understanding Your NEED for Struggle

  • Harness Your Restlessness & Turn it into Something Good

  • How to Learn Vintage Skills (even if Grandma can't teach you)

Make Your

Farm Dreams

a Reality

Inside the challenge You'll learn:

  • How to create a simpler, slower life, without moving to a farm

  • How to find joy in the kitchen (even if you hate cooking)

  • Practical strategies for weaving old-fashioned practices into your daily life

  • How to add more hours to your day for the things you love.

  • Why retro skills are the KEY to a happier life


is perfect for you if:

  • You've felt disenchanted with modern life

  • You're nurturing a secret sourdough fascination

  • The rat race has left you feeling empty

  • You wish you'd been born 100 years ago


Jill Winger


Since I was a little girl, I’ve sensed something was missing in our modern paradigm…But I didn’t quite know what it was. It wasn’t until we moved to a tumble-down farmstead in the middle of the Wyoming prairie that I found it.

Rediscovering time-honored skills and principles has changed my life forever. But you don’t have to move to a farm to experience this same transformation.

Since 2010, I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people how to use old-fashioned practices to create joy in their lives. Our high-tech, modern world isn’t the enemy. But it’s not the only way, either.

Make Your Farm Dreams a Reality

  • 5 Training Calls: Get unlimited access to all challenge training calls (Value: $97)

  • 5 Daily Homework Assignments: Move closer to your homestead goals! (Value: $27)

  • BONUS: The Natural Homestead Handbook: Skip the farm store and make your own non-toxic garden sprays, herbal salves, livestock feed, and more! (Value $37)

  • BONUS: The Homestead Layout Planner: Take the guesswork out of planning your garden and set homestead up for success! (Value: $27)

  • BONUS: The Home Dairy Handbook: Everything you need to know to manage your own dairy animals and make your own dairy recipes (Value: $27)

Total Value: $215

Regular Price: $87


Challenge FAQs

When does the challenge start?

It's entirely self-paced, so it starts whenever you're ready! You can complete it as fast or as slowly as you like.

How long are the trainings?

The video trainings range from 15-30 minutes long.

Do the materials expire?

Nope! You have unlimited access to everything.

What Do You Have to Lose?

You're feeling drawn to these old-fashioned ideas for a reason. It's time to take action, my friend. Worst case scenario? You'll join the challenge and hang out with some cool people for 5 days and that's it.

Best case? These simple, old-fashioned practices will change your life, just like they have mine.

I'll see you on the inside!

xx Jill Winger

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Homestead Media LLC

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